Minux user manual - base commands

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Minux user manual - base commands

Post by shorun »

by default minux-main is very minimal and does not contain that much software,
the software it does contain is used to manage the local computer and do maintenance tasks.
more software can be found in the software board on this forum.

minux built in commands:
- minux : the basic UI and configuration tool manual starter.
- apt : this is the software installer and updater
- cat : prints a text file to the screen, ability to halt every page
- login : handles users and logins
- makeboot: makes a boot disk used to recover systems
- man : manual reader, used to quickly open a manual
- newtab : opens a new tab on the computer, allowing for multitasking (advanced computer only)
- usermod : extended user and password manager for the local login system
- useradd : adds a user
- userdel : deletes a user
- passwd : changes password
- monitorprint : prints a string of text on a monitor
- programs: prints a list of CC's built in programs. (default CC, just tought it's worth mentioning for completely new players)
- nslookup : does a lookup in the dhcp server (requires auth-client)
- ls : lists a folder's contents
- lsr : does a recursive file list on a given folder.
- config : small config tool
- halt : shuts down the system properly, same as 'shutdown', added for that linux flavour
- restart : restarts the system properly, same as 'reboot', added for that linux flavour.

minux - /bin/minux.sh V240818 or later
a very simple menu based dos-like UI compatible with any basic or advanced computer, this runs automatically when selecting "menu" in stead of "prompt" at first startup. this command manually starts it.

cat - /bin/cat.sh
example: "cat /test.txt" | prints the contents of the file"/test.txt"
catonize a file, prints it on the screen, if followed by "p" it will pause every screen fill.

makeboot - /bin/makeboot.sh
example: "makeboot"
if an empty floppy disk is present in the disk drive, creates a bootdisk with minux's netinstaller, wich can be used to either reinstall or simply boot up a computer.

man - /bin/man.sh
example: "man apt"
opens a program's manual, the example would open apt's manual, any installed program should have one.

newtab - /bin/newtab.sh
example: "newtab"
opens a new tab on the computer, so you can run more then one game of worm at the same time!

monitorprint - /bin/monitorprint.sh
example "monitorprint helloworld"
prints "helloworld" on the monitor, if there is one. used to test monitors, if this works then the system function as a whole works.

login - /bin/login.sh
example login foo bar
tries to log in as the user "foo" with password "bar", either succeeds or fails, can be used to switch user on the fly.

useradd - /bin/useradd.sh
example useradd foo bar
creates the user foo with password bar

userdel - /bin/userdel.sh

example userdel foo
deletes the user foo

passwd - /bin/passwd.sh

example passwd foo bar
sets the password for user foo to bar

usermod - /bin/usermod.sh
example: "usermod add foo bar"
only used when auth is set to local.
- add foo bar - adds the user foo with password bar
- del foo bar - deletes the user foo with password bar
- psw foo bar - reset the user foo's password with bar

apt - /bin/apt.sh
example: "apt -u"
this one has it's own manual just for itself!

nslookup - /bin/nslookup.sh
example: nslookup testcomputer
does a lookup for testcomputer and prints the data

ls - /bin/ls.sh
example : "ls /etc/"
does a file list in a given folder, if no options are provided it does a simple list on said folder, like CC vanilla does.
-a: lists the contents and adds additional information to each line.
-r: recursive list, searches inside subfolders to obtain their contents.

lsr - /bin/lsr.sh
example : "lsr /etc/"
does a recursive file list on the given directory, leftover of older version but still works.

config - /bin/config.sh
example: "config update enabled"
used to change minux configuration settings on the fly. more will be added later.
- update setting | setting can be either "always", "enabled", "disbaled", will take effect next reboot.
- login setting | setting can be either "network", "local", "disabled". will take effect next reboot.
- menu setting |setting can be either "menu" or "prompt", decides what UI the user will get on boot, the menu or shell.
- debug setting | setting can be either "disabled", "enabled", "logging" or "full". disabled disables debug, enabled makes debug print, logging makes debug write log files and full makes debug do everything.

halt - /bin/halt.sh
example: "halt"
used to shut down the computer, same as "shutdown".

restart - /bin/restart.sh

example: "restart"
used to restart the computer, same as "reboot".

intresting locations:
/bin/ - contains minux's starters and launchers.
/rom/programs/ - contains CC's built in programs and even games!
/etc/man/ - contains the manual files themself, in case you need them.