how to install software - how to use APT
how to install software - how to use APT
mainly trough apt, tough 3rd party installers will still work just fine.
in game, type "man apt" in a computer for a detailed explaination right there. you can also open a newtab and run manuals in those to switch easy between prompt and manual
you can find extra software to install over here
if a package in the list isn't available on your computer, it might still be in the beta.
apt options:
- "apt -i packname" : installs "packname"
this will attempt to install "packname" on this computer, rather straight forward. it will automatically install all dependency's the developer marked ad well.
- "apt -r packname": removes "packname"
this will attempt to remove "packname" from this computer, it will not delete the dependency's that came with it. if the developer was nice and provided the correct instructions additional files should also get cleared out with this.
- "apt -u" : updates outdated software
apt will compare the repository's version files with the software installed on your system and if this is a mismatch re-install the package. packages that have a matching version number will get skipped.
- "apt -U" : reinstalls everything (use when broken, this also works when booting with a bootdisk, use "/bin/ -U")
apt will reinstall every installed package regardless of version number, this will forcefully reset all known software to the repository's version.
- "apt -l": lists installed software
provides a simple list of all installed software, opens the file in an editor so you can scroll trough the list.
- "apt -la": lists available software
retrieves the lists of available software from all known apt repository sources and opens this list in an editor so you can scroll trough it.
- "apt -ls" : lists your current apt sources.
prints a list of your current apt repository sources.
- "apt -s URL" : adds a new repository source to this computer, this is used for 3rd party developers or mirrors.
apt will test "url" and see if it can find the required repository files, if they are found this url will be added as an available repository source
if you removed all your apt sources by accident, run "apt -s default" or "apt -s beta" respectively.
- "apt -c URL : removes an apt source from the list.
removes a url from the repository source list, remember to uninstall the associated software first!
in game, type "man apt" in a computer for a detailed explaination right there. you can also open a newtab and run manuals in those to switch easy between prompt and manual
you can find extra software to install over here
if a package in the list isn't available on your computer, it might still be in the beta.
apt options:
- "apt -i packname" : installs "packname"
this will attempt to install "packname" on this computer, rather straight forward. it will automatically install all dependency's the developer marked ad well.
- "apt -r packname": removes "packname"
this will attempt to remove "packname" from this computer, it will not delete the dependency's that came with it. if the developer was nice and provided the correct instructions additional files should also get cleared out with this.
- "apt -u" : updates outdated software
apt will compare the repository's version files with the software installed on your system and if this is a mismatch re-install the package. packages that have a matching version number will get skipped.
- "apt -U" : reinstalls everything (use when broken, this also works when booting with a bootdisk, use "/bin/ -U")
apt will reinstall every installed package regardless of version number, this will forcefully reset all known software to the repository's version.
- "apt -l": lists installed software
provides a simple list of all installed software, opens the file in an editor so you can scroll trough the list.
- "apt -la": lists available software
retrieves the lists of available software from all known apt repository sources and opens this list in an editor so you can scroll trough it.
- "apt -ls" : lists your current apt sources.
prints a list of your current apt repository sources.
- "apt -s URL" : adds a new repository source to this computer, this is used for 3rd party developers or mirrors.
apt will test "url" and see if it can find the required repository files, if they are found this url will be added as an available repository source
if you removed all your apt sources by accident, run "apt -s default" or "apt -s beta" respectively.
- "apt -c URL : removes an apt source from the list.
removes a url from the repository source list, remember to uninstall the associated software first!